If you’ve ever played card games or board games like Trouble, then you probably know what a subway game is. Basically, it’s a game played by people who have to spend a long time underground and have to act as though they’re having fun. It’s a way of dealing with the stress of being underground for a long time, and it’s an excellent way of passing the time.
If you’ve never heard of the subway game before, then you’re definitely going to want to learn more about it. In this article, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about how to win at the subway game and how to play it. Let’s get started.
How to Win at the Subway Game
While the subway game is a fun experience, it’s not very likely to help you deal with your stressful periods. It’s a good way of pretending to be having fun while you’re trapped underground, but it’s not going to teach you anything about handling stressful periods.
Experience is Key
If you want to play the subway game, you have to win. You have to make it to the end of the subway game without freaking out and acting like you don’t want to be there.
If you do that well enough, you’re going to learn a lot about dealing with stressful situations.